Our skills and careers support provides 14-24 year olds with free resources, advice and guidance. Designed with input from young people, the Active Fusion careers team offers practical tools to support young people through education, transition into employment and beyond in a process of lifelong learning.
As local employer of sector specialist sports and physical activities coaches, we are ideally placed to understand the complex landscape facing young people and employers looking for future employees.
Our employability team help young people to explore career pathways in education and community sports leadership. From interactive careers events to 1:1 mentoring support Active Fusion ensure that young people are supported to make successful transitions into further education, training and employment.
Our careers talks share insights into pursuing a career in the education and community sports sector. Sessions share information on what to expect, the qualifications and skills required and hear first hand what it’s like to work in the sector.
Our team attend regular careers events around the region where young people and employers can access information about industry based opportunities. In addition we are available to attend your school or education setting events.
Our careers workshops offer practical skills to apply for further education, training and employment opportunities, including Apprenticeships in Community Education and Sports Coaching.
Our dedicated team of tutors offer bespoke one-to-one support in writing successful applications and pitches to employers aligned to Traineeship and Apprenticeship pathways.