Matilda’s Story: A Sparkling Journey from Shyness to Stardom

Matilda, an 11-year-old student in Active Fusions School Partnerships programme, radiates joy and enthusiasm in everything she undertakes. She regularly attends breakfast club and engages in all her PE lessons, always wearing a cheerful smile.

Growing in Confidence and Skills

In each PE session, Matilda has made significant strides in her cricket skills. Her progress is evident, especially in her technical and tactical abilities, including batting, throwing, catching and positioning, with a particular focus on boosting her confidence in batting. Additionally, she has enhanced her social, emotional and thinking skills by collaborating with her teammates, gaining a deeper understanding of cricket while supporting one another. “Matilda truly is a superstar and a joy to teach!” stated coach Oliver.

Matilda consistently demonstrates a willingness to participate in various sports and activities and is incredibly supportive of her peers, often helping younger and less experienced students. In her spare time, she engages in jiu-jitsu and horse riding, where she has worked hard to build her confidence.

Initially, Matilda was too nervous to even trot, she has now become fully capable of riding a horse. Our programme has helped Matilda build the confidence she needs to believe in herself and embrace stepping out of her comfort zone.

Matilda particularly enjoys participating in PE lessons because of the Active Fusion coaches. Coach Alexsy, in particular, creates an inclusive environment where everyone can interact and take turns equally, ensuring that all students feel involved and have equal opportunities to engage in the sport.


Building Strong Bonds

Each coach provides the pupils with equal opportunities. Matilda states, “Coach Alexsy is a really good coach because he is funny and does loads of cool activities, he is a cool dude.” She went on to comment, “Coach Oliver has high expectations for me and always want me to do my best.” At Active Fusion, fostering a strong rapport between pupils and coaches is essential. This creates a safe and comfortable environment where children can truly be themselves while engaging in a variety of physical activities.


Looking Forward

Matilda’s journey with our School Partnerships program showcases the remarkable impact physical activity can have on young children, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones and discover their passions. At Active Fusion, we are committed to providing all children with equal opportunities to embrace physical activity and experience its many benefits.

Read more stories like Matilda’s here or discover more about our School Partnerships here.