Noah’s Story: A Fusion Camp Transformation
In the Summer of 2023, Noah embarked on an exciting adventure at the De Warenne Academy Fusion Camp. Active Fusion aims to provide children with a fantastic and enriching experience during their school breaks, and Noah’s journey perfectly embodies the essence of what Fusion Camps are all about.
Noah’s decision to attend Fusion Camp was driven by his enthusiasm for the diverse range of sports and activities offered. Having previously experienced the thrills of Active Fusion’s Camps within Conisbrough, he was eager to continue his adventure.
During his time at the camp, Noah had the chance to explore a variety of activities, each leaving a unique mark on his Summer. Curling quickly became one of his favourites, as he enjoyed the teamwork it required. He loved getting involved in the Fusion Football Competition during break times, showcasing his love for football and friendly competition. Noah proved a great team player and showed respect to the other children on camp whilst engaging in competitive games.
One of the highlights of Noah’s camp experience was playing handball and learning about this new and exciting sport.
He relished the opportunity to work as part of a team and quickly adapt to a different game, a testament to the quality of coaching provided by the camp’s dedicated staff. Noah’s adventure was made even more memorable with the guidance of skilled coaches, including Aleksy and Luke. Their expertise and passion for what they do played a crucial role in shaping Noah’s camp experience.
A special treat awaited Noah during his time at De Warenne Fusion Camps – a visit from Emily of Get On Board, who introduced the children to the art of skateboarding. For Noah, this was a new and thrilling challenge, especially since he didn’t have a skateboard at home. The opportunity to learn and master skateboarding was a highlight of his Summer half-term, and it left a lasting impression.
Noah’s personal growth over the summer at De Warenne is a testament to the camp’s ability to leave a lasting impact on the children who attend. The Active Fusion team eagerly looks forward to welcoming Noah back for future Fusion Camps, as his journey with the charity continues.
Noah’s story is a testament to the incredible experiences that Fusion Camps offer, instilling a love for sports, teamwork, and adventure in every child who attends. Whether it’s discovering new sports, competing in friendly competitions, or mastering new skills, Fusion Camps provide an unforgettable Summer adventure that children like Noah will remember forever.
You can find more about Fusion Camps here or read more stories just like Noah’s here.